maandag 23 mei 2011

Training & taper

Having multiple events in one season to do can cause some practical problems such as how to cope with tapering for an event when the key event is later that season? Should I train on and see the event as an advanced training or what?
I go for a solution in between, that means no all out training in the week before the event but nice consistent sessions to keep the body focused on what is still to come.
Then we have rest after the event, how to attack this period? Complete rest or easy training? I go for easy training but I listen carefully to my body, any indication of too much will close down the throttle.
So next Sunday I will compete at Barcelona, hopefully I can set a PR, if not OK.


vrijdag 6 mei 2011

Marathon des Sables

This week I handed in my application form for the 2012 Mararthon des Sables. The race itself is scheduled April 2012 and will take in the Moroccan  desert. Six stages and a total of approximately 250K are foreseen. The athletes have to carry all their food, sleeping bag etc., on their back during this race.
This is truly an idillic race but the entrance fee is enormous, 2700€ per person.
I can't find a reason why it has to be so expensive, but you only live once.

I will keep you informed about the preparation of the MdS.

donderdag 5 mei 2011


I,m not a soccer fan but there are some classic matches in life  which you have to see or follow as a sports fan.
Real Madrid playing Barcelona is such a match. All the players together  are worth millions, Messi for ex.earns 33mil €/year. 33mil€ is as much as Standard Liege here in Belgium would cost if you want to buy it. But back to the match, horrible, if you see how god one team is and the other team can only run after the ball without really playing a role of importance, that I find amazing.
Sportmanship doesn't exist anymore in this game, there is too much money involved and that why the team which lost the match shouted out loud that it was due to the referee and on due to themselves that they lost the match, shame on you guys, if you admitted that you were too weak, everybody would have said OK nice try, better next time, but now they look at you as a bad loser.

zondag 1 mei 2011

10 Miles des Baïnes

07hr00 this morning my alarm went of, time for breakfast and I started to pack my gear. At eight o'clock Pieter my colleague  and friend picked me up and we drove of to Capbreton where the race took place. In the car we talked about the strategy we would follow.
At 9hr30 the start was given and there we went, in the beginning we sticked to the plan. 5.25min/K was a good rhythm, but as the race went on we accelerated until the finish where we had run the 10 miles in 1hr21 or an avg speed of 5.05min/K.
I was pleased about my result and the feeling was superb.
I can leave with a happy feeling to the mountains.

zaterdag 23 april 2011

Rocket Boy

Today I didn't feel motivated to go out for a ride, drizzle and cool temperatures weren't helping at all.
But in 4 weeks I compete in the Half Challenge Barcelona so no pain no gain.
TT Bike out of the garage and hop I took off, the planning was to start direction South where we have some rolling hills to get the legs warmed up and then turning North where I could test the legs on the flatter part. Once the legs felt warm enough I opened up the throttle, DJ Tiësto in my ears, 9bars in my tubulars and Rocket fuel in my bottle. I felt like flying and I had the impression that the legs could keep this rhythm as long as I wanted to.
90K later I was back home with an avg of 32.4kph, avg138HR and 92RPM.
Not bad for a day without motivation.

vrijdag 22 april 2011


Busy week-end, 2x bike training, running a 10 miles and hiding easter eggs for the children.Tomorrow my seven year old son is leaving for the week-end, he has to play a rugby tournament 600K form here @ Toulon. 
On tuesday I will leave for the week to the other side of the Pyrenees, annual mountain flying course is taking place over there. At the mountain flying center I will have the time to train as well, so we already scheduled some bike and run training.

donderdag 21 april 2011


From now on I will write my blog in English, why do you ask? Because I live abroad in France and I have followers from all over the globe. Most of them don't understand the beautiful Dutch language so I will do my best to write in English which is comprehensible for everybody.

woensdag 20 april 2011


Godverdomme ik had nooit verwacht dat superman in België woont. Na vandaag weten we het zeker, Philipe Gilbert is zijn naam. Op zulke momenten kan ik ongelooflijk genieten van topsport, wegdromen van hoe het moet voelen om zo een prestatie neer te zetten. We zouden het bijna vergeten, maar tot op heden hebben de Belgen buiten Milaan -Sanremo ALLE voorjaarsklassiekers gewonnen.
Hier in Frankrijk zijn ze op het moment meer in de ban van het ultra lopen, elke week is er wel een wedstrijd van goede kwaliteit in een super kader. Vanaf volgende maand start het bergloop seizoen, topsport van de bovenste plank en kei zwaar. De Philippe Gilbert van het berglopen heet Kilian Jornet, een jonge Catalaan, die alle records aan diggelen loopt en zo goed als alles wint waar hij aan deelneemt.
Voor meer info ga maar eens een kijkje nemen op de volgende site.

dinsdag 19 april 2011

Money time

It's money time, nog 6 weken voor Barcelona dus geen tijd meer te verliezen.
Trainingen gaan als gepland alleen is het moeilijk om alles goed ingepland te krijgen en op elkaar af te stemmen. We leven niet alleen hier, er moet ook aandacht geschonken worden aan de familie.
Zondag staat er een 10 miles op het programma en omdat het niet te ver is gaan we het combineren met een pittige fietstraining. Van thuis vertrekken met de fiets en dan de 10 miles.

dinsdag 5 april 2011

Nog 8 weken

Deze ochtend keek ik op de kalender en het viel mij op dat ik nog (maar) 8 weken te gaan heb voor Barcelona. Tijd voor een tussentijdse evaluatie dus.
1. Vorm: Stijgende lijn Ok
2. Motivatie: Onbegrensd
3. Gewicht: Balans wijst in de goede richting
4. Stress: Onbestaand voor het moment
5. Conclusie: volgende 8 weken er nog eens een goeie lap op geven.

In feite is Barcelona (1/2) geen doel op zich, maar een goede graadmeter in de aanloop naar Roth en Barcelona later dit jaar.